Create new query
In this task, we'll illustrate how to create a new query to get all ddtsu and ddtvr information from ceqcom2.
Follow these steps:
- Start MUT and select an ECP in the ECP List Box.
- Open the Mass Update Wizard , using one of these 3 methods: (1) click New Query on the vertical toolbar, (2) select File > New Query , or (3) type Ctrl + N.
- In Query Name , type ceqcom2_ddtsu_ddtvr.
- Click Next>.
- From the Table Name list, select ceqcom2, Rel. 20 -the ECP Release box auto fills to 20.
- Click Next>.
- First, select ddtsu from Field Name , then select NE (not equal) as Condition, and finally, type 0 (zero) as Value. ( Condition not equal 0).
- Click Next>.
- Accept the default selection No, last criterion.
- Click Next>.
Note: MUT has moved *csno (Cell Site) key field to Dump Fields. All key fields (marked with *) should be left in Dump Fields as they serve to identify the record.
- Scroll down Available Fields , hold down the Ctrl key, select ddtsu and ddtvr , and then click Add Fields>> -they are added to Dump Fields.
- Hold down the Shift key and select the first 3 Available Fields and click Add Fields>> -they are added to Dump Fields.
- Click Next> for the 6 th Mass Update Wizard screen.
- The query generated should be: DB: ceqcom2 MATCH: ddtsu NE 0 OUTPUT: csno ddtsu ddtvr (+ your 3 choices) ENDDB
If the DBsurvey query does not match the query above, use the <Back button to make changes.
- When the query matches, click Next>.
- Open a Telnet (OMP) session ( Virtual Terminal window) for the selected ECP, using one of these 3 methods: (1) press OMP on the horizontal toolbar, (2) select OMP > Connect to OMP , or (3) type Ctrl + P
- Enter your login and password. You should be at the OMP shell prompt $ -if the OMP prompts you with a menu, select Miscellaneous... and at the sub-menu select OMP Shell.
- Click anywhere on Mass Update Wizard to bring it to the front.
- Click Next> -MUT executes the DBsurvey and displays the result in the box.
The following steps are the result of executing DBsurvey on the next Mass Update Wizard screen.
- Verify results of the query. If the query is successful click Transfer Dump (if not, make corrections using the <Back button).
- MUT automatically brings up the Edit Query Output window, including the query name- ceqcom2_ddtsu_ddtvr -in the header of the window, and displays the dumped fields in it.
- Click Finish on the final wizard screen to close it.
- Click Done on the Virtual Terminal window to close it.
- On the Edit Query Output window, use the Menu button to sort, edit and print the output. Then (if needed), use the Script button to create and execute an apxrcv script to update the switch with your modifications.
- Click Done on the Edit Query Output window to close it.